Monday, February 19, 2007

Course Policies and Guidelines

These policies apply to classes/lessons I teach. If you're in one of these classes, they apply to you.

The goals for these classes, through speaking, reading, listening, and writing, are to elevate your skills and confidence in English. The classes strive to equip you with a broader vocabulary, and to refine your grammar skills and pronunciation. If you put as sincere and dedicated an effort into this class as you do your core Mat-Fyz classes, you can expect to succeed. Contributing less than your best is unacceptable.

Textbooks. Each class has a Student's textbook and a workbook. (2nd-year classes have the additional Rozirujici materialy text.) Please bring all texts to each class meeting.

Late Assignments. Late assignments of any kind lose 10% for each day they are late.

Absences: If you miss class, please check with your classmates first and visit the course information online to see what you missed and how to catch up. If you have additional questions, feel free to email me (or the other instructor, if the class meets twice a week).
1st-year students have a maximum of 4 absences.
2nd-year students have a maximum of 3 absences.

Tests: Test dates will be announced at the beginning of the semester. A test missed without prior permission or written medical explanation can be taken for half-credit only during office hours before the next lesson.

Extra Credit: You must have all coursework completed and turned in to be eligible for extra credit.

Grade: Students must attain 70 points out of a possible 100 to receive credit for the semester. Please see the individual syllabuses for an explanation of each course's points.

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